Exploration of my Process of Creation through a live Artist Journal, full of my Drawings and Words.

J'explore jour après jour au gré des pages remplies de dessins et de mots mon Processus de Création.

30 septembre 2013

PAGE 80: The Face of the Reflection

 at the Musée des Beaux Arts,

"Afrique Sacrée"

she was there, strong, powerfull, fertile,
like Earth itself
wildly generous

but I couldn't see her face
she was looking towards another dimension
connecting her mind to the spirits

then, in her glass box, lost far away from ancestral home,
i saw her expression

so scared that she became scary
the Face of the Reflection

the only part of her
that was able to tell
to the carefull visitor
cut from her roots in her village
between men and women daily working
used and welcomed by them in their house
she became a dead piece of wood

grabed in a crystal coffin

in the supreme name of


Je ne me souviens plus où j'ai lu cette remarque
qui disait que
les sociétés qui ont besoin de fêter une Journée pour la Culture
sont peut-être bien celles où la Culture,
est devenue étrangère au quotidien d'une existence
au point où on en remarque la lourde absence...

car celui qui vit sous le ciel étoilé chaque nuit, demande-t-il d'être éclairé par des néons?

Simple réflexion.

23 septembre 2013

PAGE 79 : Journées de la Culture 2015

LES JOURNEES DE LA CULTURE 2015 ont pour thème CINÉMA cette année.
Je vous propose une activité GRATUITE à propos:

Dans la Galerie du Parc, près du cinéma du Parc, lieu propice pour stimuler son imaginaire narratif, il s'agira de créer en 3 temps et 3 plans, croquis et texte, une courte histoire sur le vif sous une forme BD ou narration graphique.
Matériel requis : Carnet de croquis - Crayons graphites, crayons feutres, crayons de bois, tout autre matériel facile à utiliser en extérieur dont vous disposez.

Vendredi 25 septembre - 19h à 20h30
Dimanche 27 septembre - 11h à 12h30

Galerie du Parc, à l'entrée du Cinéma du Parc
3575 avenue du Parc

sur le site des JOURNÉES de la CULTURE

Les Petites la galerie du Parc:
PAGE 115 


17 septembre 2013

PAGE 78 : The Bubbles & The Child

Et me voici de nouveau
au Vieux-Port de Montréal
à m'émerveiller devant l'illusion de la bulle

immense, fluide, volante,
boule de cristal déformante
l'Enfant que je suis s'y perd en vain
tentative échouée
de possession

Et me voilà envoûtée

par la...

2 septembre 2013

PAGE 77 : The Apple & The Grapes

It was the 1rst of September, yesterday.
I went to the Tam-Tam Event at Mont-Royal.
It was sunny and hot.
What I remember today, is that atmosphere of joyfull melting people.
Around the sounds of the Drums, sometimes harmonious, sometimes a mess, they were all gathering, dancers, watchers, photographers, tourists, crafts sellers, musicians of all kind, looking maybe for a moment of transe, recovering who they were, without the dayly social masks, under the protection of the Angel and The Lions Satues.
The image that came into my mind a bit after I left the smoke and "Community of Tam-Tam", was the one of Montreal's architecture:
Business buildings, churches, sex-shops, all side by side...

My sketches looked just like warming practice this time,
but I'll plan to go back,
and try to capture more and more what I really felt,
and the wonderful and amazing characters and faces that I saw expressing themselves so freely like kids in a kindergarten!

 When I left, I stopped to that cafe where you can also wash your clothes, yes yes, Montreal's crazyness!
It is called Blanc de Blanc, on Jeanne-Mance and St-Joseph.
There is a secret peaceful backyard, covered by vines, and the leaves of an apple tree.
I sat on that table next to a guitarist. He was quietly praticing his music.
A very soft and virtuose sound, a total contrats from few minutes ago.
I calmed down, and flew into another world...
I let his music and talent make me travel through the shapes of the vines with my pencil.
It was a beautiful dance, a moment of grace.
Then I saw it:
The Apple, suspended in the air.
And I felt,
maybe at the Origine of the World,
it could have been like today...

From the Tam-Tam temptations to the generosity and beauty of Earth and creativity of all kind...

Once upon a time, the Apple met the Grapes, who then, met the Human Beeings...

English is not my first language...
I know better French.
But Montreal is a bilingual city, that's why I try to write both.
But sometimes also, words come easier in a language that is a bit far from my immediat intimicy and my life's story...