Exploration of my Process of Creation through a live Artist Journal, full of my Drawings and Words.

J'explore jour après jour au gré des pages remplies de dessins et de mots mon Processus de Création.

27 juillet 2012

PAGE 10: Jacques Prévert 1900-1977

Croquis rapide, graphite sur papier

When I was a child, at school, every beginning of new scolar year, new teachers were asking me:
"What do you want to do, when you'll be older?"
To Do? Why not To Be, first?...

One of my answer was: Poet!

The universe of this poet was printed so intensively into my heart during my child and teenagehood.
Simplicity, purity, humour, and most of all, a huge humanist spirit.
He left school at age of 14 I think, and became one the most popular poet, scenarist and song writer of his time, till now.

His words have the taste of child drawings.

Jacques Prévert, 1900-1977, French Poet.
One of many links TO UNDERSTAND a bit more about this artist, who is part of "my inspirations'family":