Exploration of my Process of Creation through a live Artist Journal, full of my Drawings and Words.

J'explore jour après jour au gré des pages remplies de dessins et de mots mon Processus de Création.

30 septembre 2013

PAGE 80: The Face of the Reflection

 at the Musée des Beaux Arts,

"Afrique Sacrée"

she was there, strong, powerfull, fertile,
like Earth itself
wildly generous

but I couldn't see her face
she was looking towards another dimension
connecting her mind to the spirits

then, in her glass box, lost far away from ancestral home,
i saw her expression

so scared that she became scary
the Face of the Reflection

the only part of her
that was able to tell
to the carefull visitor
cut from her roots in her village
between men and women daily working
used and welcomed by them in their house
she became a dead piece of wood

grabed in a crystal coffin

in the supreme name of


Je ne me souviens plus où j'ai lu cette remarque
qui disait que
les sociétés qui ont besoin de fêter une Journée pour la Culture
sont peut-être bien celles où la Culture,
est devenue étrangère au quotidien d'une existence
au point où on en remarque la lourde absence...

car celui qui vit sous le ciel étoilé chaque nuit, demande-t-il d'être éclairé par des néons?

Simple réflexion.