Exploration of my Process of Creation through a live Artist Journal, full of my Drawings and Words.

J'explore jour après jour au gré des pages remplies de dessins et de mots mon Processus de Création.

30 octobre 2015

PAGE 132: TAME-Lara Kramer.Tangente Danse


I have been invited by Tangente Danse (my friend Sonia Reboul!) to come and sketch the dance shows of their season 2015/2016.
Finaly this week I was able to start... and went at the general of TAME by the choreographer Lara Kramer.
A stage like a very busy room or appartment, some symbolic objects suspended, like ghosts floating in the space, an animal and a doll, three women acting slowly different dayly situations in that intimate place.
It's a narrativ show more than a piece that explores pure movements of the body. A silent but not so quiet atmosphere is created into the limited territory full of objects and clothes. A story maybe of lost female bodies and souls,  of conformism and resistance, of solitude and crazyness, of healing maybe?...
Between the animal and the doll.

Entre l'animal et la poupée, trois femmes dans l'intimité d'un territoire commun...

stylo feutre, stylo bille, marqueur, crayons de couleur, fusain