Exploration of my Process of Creation through a live Artist Journal, full of my Drawings and Words.

J'explore jour après jour au gré des pages remplies de dessins et de mots mon Processus de Création.

24 juillet 2012

PAGE 6: The Old Door

Sitting on my balcony, every mornning while having my breakfast, I was facing this wall with that old door, days after days.
I wanted to capture it. Its secrets. Curious about what was behind.

One day I took the blue and the black ink pens.

But staied frustrated.
Wanted to capture the FEELING that there was a secret over it.
How come?

Few days later, tried to add colors on my first sketch.
Felt I missed it...
Because I was lazy to draw another one, because I wanted a final first drawing.
Old door staied closed, keeping its secret.
Have to come back again, again, again...
Maybe that's its secret:
TO PRACTICE, over and over, without caring about reaching any achieved point.

What is behing is not important.
'Cause this old Door has obviously no end...