Exploration of my Process of Creation through a live Artist Journal, full of my Drawings and Words.

J'explore jour après jour au gré des pages remplies de dessins et de mots mon Processus de Création.

18 octobre 2012

PAGE 38: Kokom

Grand-Mère en Algonquin

Grand-Mothers of Earth are very patient

Wait Wait!
for me to be able to follow your rythm
the little lullaby coming out of your feet
walking slowly on the land

Wait Wait! 
for me to be able to appreciate your silence
the stars in your eyes
enlightening my darker dreams

Wait Wait!
for me Kokom
to be able to breath safely in your arms
the sweet home of Earth
caring for my innocence

Now I know
Someone in this Universe
loves me
respects me
protects me

Wait Wait!
Now I know

It's me