Exploration of my Process of Creation through a live Artist Journal, full of my Drawings and Words.

J'explore jour après jour au gré des pages remplies de dessins et de mots mon Processus de Création.

30 juillet 2012

PAGE 11: Sunday Time

 Le Clocher - The Church Tower
On Sundays, even if I am self-employed, I always feel that that day has to be different.
Laundry and Mind, cleaning thoughts of the week.
 Concert Extérieur - Sunday Free Outside Concert
Dimanche, je déambule, observe, me laisse surprendre, et dessine.
 L'Orchestre - The Orchestra
Walking and being surprised by what's going on in the neighbourhood.
Le Banc - The Bench
Temps de ressourcement.
Sunday's prayer to Mother Nature.

27 juillet 2012

PAGE 10: Jacques Prévert 1900-1977

Croquis rapide, graphite sur papier

When I was a child, at school, every beginning of new scolar year, new teachers were asking me:
"What do you want to do, when you'll be older?"
To Do? Why not To Be, first?...

One of my answer was: Poet!

The universe of this poet was printed so intensively into my heart during my child and teenagehood.
Simplicity, purity, humour, and most of all, a huge humanist spirit.
He left school at age of 14 I think, and became one the most popular poet, scenarist and song writer of his time, till now.

His words have the taste of child drawings.

Jacques Prévert, 1900-1977, French Poet.
One of many links TO UNDERSTAND a bit more about this artist, who is part of "my inspirations'family":

26 juillet 2012

PAGE 9: Portraits of Camille

Camille, model:
She has that something that inspires me, without words, only her, no game, her face so caricatural, and expressive just by being, her unusual beauty that surprises me.

Camille, between ink pen, dramatic graphic way, and watercolours, poetic gesture way.

25 juillet 2012

PAGE 8: Exploring the Intimate Bonds

So to sum up:
I am the Artist that draws life nude models,
I am also a Model for art classes,
and finaly I Sketch artists drawing models during life drawing sessions.

Still following me?

That's what I call "Intimate Bonds": a new vision I had, to EXPLORE... soon!

24 juillet 2012

PAGE 7: From Disorder to Order

Quick figure drawings, 3 minutes poses.
Working the line.

And finaly the color, few days after.

This time, the PRACTICE lead me to a new path...

PAGE 6: The Old Door

Sitting on my balcony, every mornning while having my breakfast, I was facing this wall with that old door, days after days.
I wanted to capture it. Its secrets. Curious about what was behind.

One day I took the blue and the black ink pens.

But staied frustrated.
Wanted to capture the FEELING that there was a secret over it.
How come?

Few days later, tried to add colors on my first sketch.
Felt I missed it...
Because I was lazy to draw another one, because I wanted a final first drawing.
Old door staied closed, keeping its secret.
Have to come back again, again, again...
Maybe that's its secret:
TO PRACTICE, over and over, without caring about reaching any achieved point.

What is behing is not important.
'Cause this old Door has obviously no end...

16 juillet 2012

PAGE 5: The Bridge


That day on the way to the Botanical Garden, I stopped to draw this huge modern human creation, the Olympic Stadium and its tilted tower, the highest in the world, all grey, all concrete, all broken, all layers put on the Earth... Dying slowly.
Then I arrived into that amazing garden, full of diversity, colors, eternal through its constant changes, where land and nature is preserved, respected, admired, observed, taken care.

One could represent the power of human ego, while the other one seems to reflect the beauty of human soul, as part of the cycles of life. Nothing that you could totaly possess or control.
Only being part of.

I always thought I was constantly crossing the bridge between those two worlds.
Anable to be satisfied, to find myself.

Today I realise that I am the Bridge itself.
Both, ego and soul.
Eternal, but dying slowly.

The territory of their meeting.
A wild and uncharted territory, to explore.

7 juillet 2012

PAGE 4: Dance with Human Soul

 I practiced, and still do, a lot life drawings with models, specialy fast poses.
How amazing to see coming out suddenly the multitude of gestures, feelings, attitudes, from one body.
Beyond the shape, there is a soul.
And the soul dances.

4 juillet 2012

PAGE 3: Between it's NOW

Was at that café, on the terrasse, backyard.
Doors were opened.
I could see through the café, till outside the front door.
I was like that dog, that came there for few minutes, then went his way.

To sketch is to be there, for a moment, observing, listening, waiting for the sign, that is going to give all the sense of your presence here and now.
And it's that subtile sense of the moment that I try to capture with my pen in a sketch-drawing.

That moment, is like that café place, that space of the NOW that is being, between those two doors.
I'm just watching it...

PAGE 2: To arrive here... I went there

I crossed roads, landscapes, cultures, met and escaped people, constantly keeping on walking on the bridge of existence.

"Life is a bridge, don't build your house on it", says an Indian quote.

I started few years ago a blog called: "d'une rive à l'autre" - "from a bank to the other".

Mixing nude drawings and paintings, with poems and words.

Guess an old habit...